23 December 2011
Summer Skate 2012: Sydney Figure Skating Club invites skaters who have tested at Elementary, Pre-Primary, Intermediate and Novice to attend their Development Camp to be held at Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink on 16 - 18 January 2012 from 6am to 11am. Registrations close 9 January 2012
Office of Recreation & Sport page which includes notices and announcements from the Office has been added
Applications for scholarships to help with the costs associated with up-skilling active recreation and sport club volunteers are now open. For information, criteria and application forms for these scholarships,go to the Office for Recreation and Sport website. If you have any questions, please call 7424 7605 or email [email protected] Applications close 3rd February 2012
Play by the Rules (www.playbytherules.net.au) provides free advice, resources and online training to help make sport safe, fair and inclusive. This national initiative is supported by Federal, State and Territory Governments.
19 December 2011
Congratulations to Adelaide Ice Magic on winning the Open Juvenile section at the Maplewood Synchro Classic, Minnesota USA. Well done!!
11 December 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships: Detailed results available
Congratulations to our South Australian skaters:
Rhianon Reese Jane Kahlbaum Stephanie Huot Adelaide Ice Magic Adelaide Icicle Magic James Min Giuseppe Triulcio Lauren Moore Madison Murray Ashley Colliver Jacqueline Baranikova
1st 3rd 6th 3rd 5th 3rd 4th 8th 9th 10th 10th |
Adult Ladies Masters Adult Ladies Silver Adult Ladies Silver Senior Synchronized Skating Open Synchronized Skating Primary Men Primary Men Novice Ladies Novice Ladies Primary Ladies Senior Ladies |
2 December 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships: Timetable (as at 2 December 2011) has been published
29 November 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships: Competitor list (as at 26 November 2011) has been released
26 November 2011
South Australian State Team for Australian Figure Skating Championships announced. Nicola Reese has been appointed Team Leader for the Synchronized section of the championships.
20 November 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships: Timetable has been updated (as at 17 November 2011). Banquet flyer and order form are now available
Link added to the Adult Figure Skating Australia & New Zealand website
2012 New Zealand Masters Games: Dunedin, February 4 - 12, 2012. Ice Skating Competition will be held on February 4 & 5, 2012 at the Dunedin Ice Stadium
International Adult Figure Skating Competition - Oberstdorf (GER) will be held on 22-26 May 2012, hosted by the Deutsche Eislauf-Union. The competition will be for adult skaters who have reached at least the age of twenty eight (28) and Synchronized skaters at least the age of twenty five (25) before July 1st, preceding the event but have not reached the age of seventy-eight (78) before July 1st, preceding the competition.
17 November 2011
Results from test session 17 November 2011
9 November 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships: AFSC Communication 1 - Correction to Adult events has been released
2012 ANZAS Grand Prix - International Adult Competition: Ice Skating Victoria (under authorization from Ice Skating Australia Inc.) will be hosting the Southern Hemisphere's inaugural ANZAS International Adult Competition for Men, Ladies, Pairs, Ice Dance and Synchronized Skating. Competition will be held from February 16 - 19, 2012 at the Medibank Icehouse Arena, Melbourne Docklands
Synchronized Skating Junior World Challenge Cup 2012: ISU has announced that this event will be held in Sweden in March 2012
ISA Technical Regulations Communications updated:
No. 15 - Changes to Solo Dance
No. 25 - Changes to Senior Test
No. 27 - Changes to Primary Pairs Test
No. 28 - Changes to Elementary Dance
Elements for 2011-2012 season updated:
Pairs Short Program elements
Pairs Free Skate elements
Singles Short Program elements
Singles Free Skate elements
27 October 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships: Announcement, Technical Announcement, Entry form - Adult, Singles, Pairs, Dance, Entry form - Synchronized and PPC now available
11 October 2011
Spring Cup Aussie Skate results now available
10 October 2011
Congratulations to all skaters who participated in the State Championships & Spring Cup over the weekend. A fine show from all of you. IJS results are now available and Aussie Skate will be available shortly.
Thank you also to our band of volunteers without whom we could not hold these competitions - anyone who wishes to volunteer for future competitions is most welcome.
7 October 2011
2011 Australian Figure Skating Championships will be held at Iceworld Boondall, Brisbane Queensland from Friday 2nd - Saturday10th December 2011. Schedule (as at 5/10/11) now available. Please Note:This schedule is subject to change and it is the responsibility of each skater to check the website on a regular basis for updates.
6 October 2011
SA State Championships & Spring Cup: Official Practices groups for Saturday and Sunday now available
4 October 2011
SAISA will be hosting a seminar for South Australian skaters with Kylie Fennell on Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 October. The schedule and registration form are now available. Please register as soon as possible (before Wednesday 12 October will be appreciated), as will direct deposits of the fees.
SA State Championships & Spring Cup: There has been a change to the schedule for Saturday's competition. An amended schedule is available
3 October 2011
SA State Championships & Spring Cup Schedule for Official Practice and Competition now available
ISU on Facebook. The International Skating Union page (www.facebook.com/isuofficial) will provide the skating family and fans will find official and institutional information from the ISU. With the agreement and participation of the IOC, Sochi 2014 Winter Games and others, interesting and pertinent information relevant to the ISU disciplines will also be offered.
The ISU Figure Skating page (www.facebook.com/isufigureskating) is aimed at the Figure Skating family and fans. The ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating is currently being promoted. The page will regularly be updated with comments, pictures and videos (subject to right clearance) taken during the various ISU Figure Skating Events and Championships.
ISU YouTube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/ISUJGP2011) has been created specifically for the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating. Clips from the Volvo Cup 2011 Riga (LAT), can be viewed on the Channel. If this initiative proves to be successful and most importantly if the technology infrastructure permits, we will continue with this project throughout the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2011/2012.
ISU Social Media Guidelines for all accredited persons at ISU Events and Championships have been released.
Tasmanian State Championships will be held on 5 November 2011 at Glenorchy Ice Skating Rink, Tasmania. Announcement and Entry Form available. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than Friday 7 October 2011
New trainee judges are always welcome. Anyone interested in becoming a trainee is invited to contact SAISA. A new application form is now available.
14 September 2011
SA State Championships & Spring Cup skating order now available
8 September 2011
Please note that entries for the SA State Championships & Spring Cup are now closed. Thank you to all skaters who have entered. The draw for initial skating order will be held at 5:30pm on Tuesday 13 September at Ice Arena
23 August 2011
Applications for SASI Talented Athlete Awards will close on 26 August 2011. These awards are available to athletes aged between 13 and 20 inclusive on 31 December 2011, who are recongised as having the ability to reach the senior elite level of performance. Further information and the application form is available from the Office of Recreation & Sport website
ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating will be held in Brisbane on 7 - 11 September 2011. Ice Skating Queensland has issued a call for volunteers to assist at the event. Full details of the event, including ticket prices and volunteer requirements are available on the ISQ website
SAISA is pleased to announce that Kylie Fennell will return to Adelaide to present a seminar to SAISA skaters, which will build upon the skills presented in 2010. The on-ice sessions will be held on Saturday 15 October at 4:30pm - 7:30pm and Sunday 16 October at 8am - 12noon. Further details will be available shortly.
13 August 2011
Results from Test session 13 August 2011
9 August 2011
There will be a test session at 7:15am on Saturday 10 September 2011 at Ice Arena. Closing date for applications is Friday 19 August 2011. This will be the last test session prior to the SA State Championships & Spring Cup. Please submit your applications as soon as possible as time for the session is limited.
Central Coast Figure Skating Club is holding the Jack Lee Trophy on Sunday 28 August 2011. Details and forms available on the Interstate Competitions page. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than Thursday 11 August 2011
ISU Synchronized Skating Global Coaches' Seminar announced in ISU Communication 1691. Details available on Seminars & Camps page.
6 August 2011
SA State Championships & Spring Cup will be held on 8 & 9 October 2011 at Ice Arena, Thebarton. Details now available.
Official Entry Form - Singles, Pairs, Solo Dance
Official Entry Form - Synchronized Skating
Please note: Entry forms for divisions to be marked using the IJS will not be accepted without the completed PPC form
Skaters and teams wishing to enter the SA State Championships must have qualified as described in the SAISA guidelines.
2 August 2011
Photos from SA Skate are now available. To order, complete the order form and return to Foster Photographique. Video DVDs of SA Skate have been distributed to those who ordered them. If you would still like a DVD, please contact SAISA.
Crystal Challenge: Information about interstate ice access and Skater Surprize available
Liverpool Catholic Club Figure & Synchronized Skating Club will present the 2011 Triple Challenge in October. Pre-announcement now available
22 July 2011
Congratulations to all skaters who competed at SA Skate 2011. Results for IJS and Aussie Skate events now available
Wintersun South Australian results now available. Congratulations to our skaters
17 July 2011
New information for IJS added to Technical page
Dragon City Trophy details now available on Interstate Competitions page. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than Tuesday 9 August 2011
Crystal Challenge details now available on Interstate Competitions page. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than Tuesday 2 August 2011
6 July 2011
SA Skate - draft schedule and skating order now availalbe. Schedule for official practices will be published shortly
18 June 2011
Results from Test session 18 June 2011
16 June 2011
Autumn Trophy and Hollins Trophy South Australian results now available. Congratulations to our skaters.
12 June 2011
SA Skate 2011 will be held at Ice Arena on Wednesday &Thursday 20 & 21 July 2011. Official practice 7:00 - 9:30am and Competition 4:30 - 7:00pm both days.
Entries are now being accepted.
CLOSING DATE: 29th June (Wednesday). Draw for initial start order will take place at the Ice ArenA on Tuesday 5th of July at 5.30 pm
4 June 2011
Technical Page updates:
ISA Technical Regulations Communications following the 2011 ISA AGM have been published
Additional information for 2011-2012 season published
ISA rulebook Section 10 - Synchronized Skating updated
ISA rulebook Section 12 - Theatre on Ice added
ISU Communications released:
1675 - Results of ISU championships 2011
1676 - Announcement of international skating competitions 2011-2012
1677 - Ice Dance requirements
1678 - Synchronized Skating
ISA Communications released:
25 - National registration
26 - ISA calendar
27 - National rankings 2010-2011
Competitions updates:
ISA National Calendar released: Spring Cup has been omitted from the calendar, however SAISA still intends to run the competition
in conjunction with the SA State Championships
Dragon City Trophy & Sun Loong Artistic Competition: organisers have released an estimated schedule to assist visitors in booking
accommodation and transport
Winter Sun Theatre on Ice announcement and entry form published
International competitions page added.
Brisbane will host a Junior Grand Prix event on 7 - 11 September 2011 - a great opportunity to see some of the world's best Junior skaters
A summary of the 2011 World Championships available
Theatre on Ice subpage added to Learn to Skate. A workshop will be held on 26 June 2011 in Sydney
National Registration details added to Membership page
21 May 2011
New ISU Communications added to Technical Page
ISA Communication 29 added to Technical Page
Results from Test session 21 May 2011
Next test session will be held on Saturday 18 June 2011 at 7:15am. Closing date for applications is Friday 27 May 2011
15 May 2011
Winter Sun 2011 will be held 6 - 10 July 2011 at Iceworld Olympic Rink, Acacia Ridge. Details available from the Iceworld Figure Skating Club web page. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than 10 June 2011
Olympic Trophy & Artistic Challenge South Australian results now available. Congratulations to our skaters.
14 May 2011
Masters Cup Figure Skating Competition & Adult Interpretative Trophy will be held on Monday 13 June 2011 at Olympic Ice Skating Centre, Oakleigh South Details are available from Ice Skating Victoria web page.
Closing date for entries 20 May 2011. In line with ISA rules, all entrants must be members of SAISA. For this competition, entries are sent directly to the organisers. However, as a matter of protocol, all South Australian skaters should notify SAISA of their entry.
8 May 2011
Hollins Trophy will be held 10 - 13 June 2011 at Canterbury, Sydney. This competition will be the allocated event for athletes wanting to obtain a National Ranking or to improve their current ranking. Details now available on the Sydney Figure Skating Club website. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than 11 May 2011
6 May 2011
VIP Adelaide Adrenaline Ice Hockey Mothers' Day deal. This weekend is the start of the VIP Adelaide Adrenaline's home season. On Sunday 8 May, tickets for mums will be only $5.00, including a free regular coffee. The game starts at 4.30pm
3 April 2011
Autumn Trophy to be held 27 & 28 May 2011 in Canberra. Announcement & Entry form available. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than 26 April 2011
1 April 2011
Change of date for South Australian State Championship & Spring Cup. This competition will now be held on Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 October 2011. Official practice times have also changed
NSW Artistic competition incorporating Rubina Doolan Trophy to be held 1st May 2011 at Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink. Announcement & Entry form available. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than 5 April 2011
26 March 2011
Figure Skating Association of Tasmania Artistic competition announced. Details available on the Interstate & International Competions page
25 March 2011
Interstate competition pre-announcements:
Hollins Trophy 10th - 13th June 2011 (long weekend), Canterbury Rink, Sydney.
Sun Loong Artistic Challenge & Dragon City Trophy Fri 23 -Sunday 25th September, 2011, IceHouse, Melbourne.
A new competition has also been announced:
Crystal Challenge, 17th & 18th September, 2011, IceHouse, Melbourne.
International Competitions:
Queenstown Invitational Ice Figure Skating Championshps, 21st & 22nd May 2011, Queenstown Ice Arena, Queenstown, NZ.
Camp announcement:
The 2011 ISA Ice Dance Development Camp, 28th & 29th April 2011, Liverpool Catholic Club Ice Rink, Liverpool, NSW.
New ISA Communications:
ISA Communication 27 has been released. The topic is National Rankings and it outlines selection at Hollins.
2011 ISA - Tech Reg Communication No 1 has been released. The topic is Changes to Solo Dance.
22 March 2011
There will be a Test session on Saturday 16 April 2011 from 10.45am to 11.15am. Closing date for entries will be Tuesday 29 March 2011. As this is a short test session, the number of tests will be limited. Candidates will be allocated to the session on a first-come, first served basis.
16 March 2011
Results from Test session 16 March 2011
6 March 2011
Results from Test session 6 March 2011
5 March 2011
Olympic Trophy Challenge will be held 23 - 25 April 2011 at the Olympic Ice Skating Centre, Victoria. Details are available on the Interstate Competitions page. Please note that South Australian entries must be received by SAISA no later than Tuesday 29 March 2011.
6 February 2011
Results from Test session 6 February 2011
15 January 2011
SAISA AGM reminder:
The SAISA 2011 AGM will be held next Thursday, 20th January, 7pm at Sport SA on Military Road, West Beach (opp. Adelaide Shores Caravan Park & Resort).
The AGM will be followed by the presentation:
"Are you ready for LTAD?"
Come and find out what it means and why it is important to a skater's competitive career.
Get the edge in a sport that requires tough hard athletes.
A DOOR PRIZE will be won by a lucky attendee!
RSVP 18th January
Election of Board Members: List of nominations now available on AGM 2011 page
7 January 2011
Full information and notice of AGM now available
5 January 2011
Nomination form for Board of Management positions to be elected at the AGM is now available
1 January 2011
Happy New Year!!!!!
SAISA memberships are now due. The 2011 Membership form is now available.
The Tests page has been updated. The 2011 Test Application form is now available.