SAISA conducts Test sessions on behalf of Ice Skating Australia and uses highly qualified SAISA judges to assess these Tests.
Tests needed for Competitions
Working towards and achieving Test levels is an important part of a skater's development.
Skaters also enter events at competitions dependent on the Test levels they have passed.
The desired test level should be completed before the close of entries for the competition.
Proof Of Age (POA) requirement at Preliminary Tests
Some competition levels have age restrictions and a Proof Of Age number will be required.
If possible, you should bring an original or certified copy of your Birth Certificate or Passport
to the test session and show the SA Official who will complete a POA application for you.
Test Planner 2024
Test Sessions
Test sessions will be held on the first Friday of every month from February until October at 6:00pm.
Test sessions are planned to be 28 days apart to take account of ISA Rule 204 which states that:
"A candidate who has failed a test shall not be entitled to be judged again for that test prior to the 28th day following the failed test".
Test closing dates
Applications received after the 15th day of the previous month may not be considered.
Closing dates need to be set so that qualified judges can be organised to attend and ice bookings can be confirmed, adjusted to the length of time needed or cancelled without incurring the ice hire fee.
Membership requirement
Skaters must be current financial members of SAISA at ISA level to take a test. Membership form here
Test Sessions 2024
Jan n/a
Feb 2
Mar 1
Apr 5
May 3
Jun 14
Jul 5
Aug 2
Sep 6
Oct 4
Test Application form Test Form: Aug Test Session here
Test Fee Schedule 2024
(all fees are per skater & include the ice fee and the ISA test fee)
Preliminary Technical Pattern Skills or Technical Program - $115
Elementary Technical Pattern Skills or Technical Program - $120
Basic Novice Technical Pattern Skills or Technical Program - $140
Advanced Novice Technical Pattern Skills or Technical Program - $155
Junior Technical Pattern Skills or Technical Program - $165
Senior Technical Pattern Skills or Technical Program - $175
Pairs - $120
Dance: Preliminary (one or both dances) - $115
Dance: Elementary (both dances only) - $125
Dance: Basic Novice (all three dances or sparately) - $145
Further Information
More than one test on the same day:
Applicants must discuss this with the Test Convener BEFORE submitting the form and payments. Applicants wishing to take tests of different levels should be aware that if the lower level test is not passed the higher level test cannot be taken and the fee is forfeited.
Contact the Test Convener via email at [email protected]
Late entries:See also Test closing dates. Late entries can only be considered if confirmed ice hire time allows an extra test and judges qualified for that level are already attending the test session.
Further Test dates:
Coaches are welcome to contact the test convener to discuss extra or alternate test dates.
Not attending or failure to give due notice:
The Test fee is forfieted for non-attendance and /or not giving at least 7 days notice of inability to attend.
Cancellation due to medical reasons
Skaters who are unable to attend a test session for medical reasons will be required to provide SAISA with a medical certificate for the date of the test (cannot be back dated). The skater will have the test fee credited when they reapply to complete their test at a future test session.
SAISA Test Guidelines (pdf)