14 December 2020
COVID-19 - Updated Emergency Management Directions from Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing here
17 November 2020: summary of New Covid Directions from Sport SA here
16 November 2020
The IceArena will suspend ice sports from 12:00am tonight in accordance with State Governemt directions to stem a potential second wave of COVID-19 in SA
2 October 2020
Read below or download here
Good afternoon
As the community gears up for summer sport and recreational activities, there are measures that your organisation/club will need to put in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the community. Many of you will already be aware of these measures but for those gearing up for the summer season please note the information below.
COVID-Safe Plan
Sport and recreational activities are required to have and display a COVID-Safe Plan, to demonstrate that they have considered all aspects of conducting the activity in a safe manner. The COVID Safe Plan page explains who needs to create a COVID-Safe Plan, how to create a Plan and outlines the obligations and responsibilities of the organisation/club in implementing the Plan.
COVID Management Plan
Sport and recreational activities where more than 1,000 people are likely to be present must also have an approved COVID Management Plan. The COVID Management Plan page explains who needs a COVID Management Plan, how to create one and the approval process. This detailed document must be approved by SA Health. Early submission of the plan will ensure that you can have your plan in place without restricting attendance.
COVID Marshal
Sport and recreational activities are required to have a trained COVID Marshal on site. A COVID Marshal’s role is to take reasonable actions to ensure that all people on site comply with COVID-Safe practices, such as physical distancing, capacity limits, infection control, and hygiene rules. The COVID Marshal page explains the activities that require a COVID Marshal, who can be a COVID Marshal, the difference between a nominated and a dedicated COVID Marshal, and provides a link to the COVID Marshal training.
Updated Directions
It has been announced by the Premier that as of midnight tonight, drinking alcohol while standing (outside only) will be permitted. At this stage the updated Emergency Management Direction that will include specific details, has not been released. Refer to this page for the updated Direction as it becomes available: Emergency Management Direction.
As new sporting seasons commence, I would like to stress again that we cannot be complacent. We’ve done a great job so far so let’s not undo all the good. Keep playing your part to help stop the spread:
- Stay home if you are unwell.
- Keep 1.5 metre distance from others wherever and whenever possible.
- Adhere to the density requirement of 1 person per 2 square meters.
- Wash or sanitize hands and common surfaces regularly.
Further information can be found at https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/
New Form: SAISA COVID-19 declaration form to be used by Exhibition skaters here
SAISA COVID-Safe Plan: Step 3 Return to Sport (pdf here)
Fun Skate to celebrate Return to Skating
SAISA would like to celebrate returning to the ice by holding a fun skate at the IceArena on Friday, 17 July 2020.Current SAISA members can enjoy a complimentary skate at one of two sessions. Due to social distancing restrictions, each session will have a maximum capacity of thirty skaters (60 spots in total). There will be no coaching during the fun skate. If you are not a current SAISA member, please submit the SAISA membership form and complete payment prior to submitting the SAISA Fun Skate entry form. SAISA will waive all membership late fees for the 2020/21 season. Twenty minutes has been left between the sessions to complete an ice-resurface, sanitise, safely exit the venue and to ensure we are all following the SAISA Sport-Specific guidelines for SAISA members on the Return to Sport: Step 3 of the COVID-Safe Plan
Registration here
- COVID-Safe Return to Sport - Step 3: SAISA Sport-Specific Guidelines here
While we are exited to see eveyone back there are still COVID guidelines to adhere to to ensure everyone's safety.
You can help keep the sport alive and keep everyone safe by follwing the few steps in the SAISA guidelines
- IceArena open again on Monday 6 Jul 2020

- See YouTube message here on safe return to sport from Inclusive Sport SA and Office for Rec & Sport & Racing
- Link to ORSR page on the COVID-Safe Plan and Return to Sport: here
Return to Sport Notice to Members 12 Jun 2020 – Cancellation of SA Skate 2020 (pdf here)
Dear Members,
SAISA regretfully advises that SA Skate 2020 has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the flow on impacts on returning to sport as guided by the SA Government advisory groups.
This was found necessary as even though restrictions are easing, and the rink may be open by the proposed date for SA Skate 2020, the lead-in time for safe-return to competition-level skating is insufficient. Please be aware that a possible reopening date for the IceArenA is yet to be announced.
Skaters and coaches can be assured SAISA is monitoring all aspects of the reopening of the rink, and are working collaboratively with the SA Ice Sport Federation (SAISF) and our partner SAISF Member Sports, Ice Hockey SA and Broomball SA, to assist the progression towards re-opening.
SAISA will finalise alternate arrangements for testing, competition and eligibility for Championships as soon as possible.
We are looking forward to seeing you all back on the ice in the near future.
Below is the updated Return to Sport advice from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR).
Kind regards,
Update from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
12 June 2020
Following today’s meeting of the National Cabinet the Premier has made some important announcements about the easing of COVID -19 restrictions in South Australia. The key points that relate to sport and recreation are as follows:
Introduction of Stage 2.5 - from Friday 19 June
· This will be an interim step before we move to Stage 3 of the roadmap
· The number of people allowable in a room (or a group outside) within a venue will increase from 20 to 75 providing 1 person per 4 square metres can be accommodated. This will apply to training or competition groups.
· The total number of people allowed in a venue will increase from 80 to 300 providing 1 person per 4 square metres can be accommodated. Again this will apply to all people, indoor and outdoor who are gathered at a club.
Stage 3 will commence earlier than expected on Monday 29 June
· There will be no room or venue limit. This will be replaced with only a density requirement of 1 person per 4 square metres
From Monday 20 July
· Border restrictions will be lifted
· There will be no requirement on entry to SA to self-isolate for 14 days
While gyms for individual workouts can increase numbers in line with the above roadmap, increasing the cap of 10 participants in dance and fitness classes is still being considered.
We are still waiting on guidance regarding indoor contact sport.
As always organisations must submit their COVID Safe Plan before commencing activity and should ensure that cleaning and hygiene regimes are enforced.
Jun 2 2020
Notice to Members re Return to Sport
From 1 June 2020, South Australia transitions to Step 2 of the South Australian Roadmap For Easing COVID-19 Restrictions (the Roadmap). This step will allow the gradual return to indoor sports provided it remains safe to do so.
SAISA continues to monitor the situation by attending multiple briefings (via Zoom) with the Minister for Sport and the Office for Recreation Sport and Racing (ORSR) as well as with Sport SA. We are also liaising with Ice Skating Australia (ISA) and monitoring advice and guidance from the International Skating Unon (ISU). SAISA also liaises with rink management and can advise you that maintenance work is being carried out while planning to open the rink as soon as possible.
SAISA will provide an update on tests and competitions when more information about re-opening is available.
A summary of current Step 2 restrictions in the Roadmap relevant to indoor ice sports is below. You will be aware that each State has a slightly different time line for recovery; the points below apply to SA at present. The Minister for Sport advised that there may be several 'mini steps’ added to Step 2 along the Roadmap to Step 3.
Kind regards,
Please note the following requirements in accordance with Step 2 of the Roadmap:
COVID-Safe Plan
- Clubs/organisations who were forced to closed must fill in a COVID-Safe Plan before recommencing activities.
Social Distancing
- · Social distancing measures must still be followed
- · 1 person per 4 square metres
- · 1.5 metres between people
- A maximum of 80 people may gather at a multi-area venue as a whole
- A maximum of 20 people are permitted per group/room
Indoor sport
- · Non-contact sport training and competition can commence from 1 June 2020
- · Contact sport: non-contact skills training can commence from 1 June 2020
- · Contact sport: contact training can recommence from 25 June 2020
- · Contact competition cannot yet recommence
Communal facilities
- · Communal changing rooms, shower facilities are not permitted to be used and must remain closed, but toilet facilities may be made available
Contact Tracing Form
- All participants are required to provide their name and phone number or email address on a Contact Tracing Form when attending an activity. The person conducting the activity retains a record of those contact details and produces them at the request of an authorised officer
24 March 2020 /Notices
- ISU Cancellation of events: here
22 March 2020 Notices
- IceArenA to close: Please be advised the IceArena will close tomorrow from 12.00 pm as required by the Federal Government as part of the strategy to stop the spread of COVID-19. Further information will be posted as it is released; see also https://icearena.com.au/
- Test Sessions: the April Test Session will not go ahead
Letter from SAISA to Members 19 March 2020 pdf version
Dear Members,
We are writing to update you on SAISA’s standpoint in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are watching with concern and are aware of the wide range of stringent measures being implemented here and in different jurisdictions around the world in efforts to slow the spread of the virus.
First and foremost, we are aligning our actions with advice from State and Federal Government, not only via enforceable restrictions but also the recommended precautionary measures to protect our vulnerable members.
Whilst we have not been notified of any confirmed cases of COVID-19 among our members, our first priority is the health and wellbeing of our community. We are currently liaising with a wide range of stakeholders. Some include:
- The Office of Recreation, Sport and Racing (OSRR);
- The South Australian Ice Sports Federation (SAISF) as the managing body of the Figure Practice Sessions, Skate School and the Ice ArenA, and;
- Ice Skating Australia (ISA) who are also being guided by the International Skating Union (ISU).
For updates from the SAISF (Ice ArenA) please monitor their COVID-19 update webpage.
The Office of Sport, Recreation & Racing (OSRR) will also offer updates and advice to minimise the spread within sporting environments to all athletes, parents, coaches & spectators. Please visit their website for details.
Coaches, SportSA have also shared a checklist, which you’re welcome to use.
Unfortunately, following guidance from the above bodies tailored to our circumstances, we were required to cancel the March testing session. The possibility of running the 16 April test session is being monitored. SAISA will also continue to be mindful of any possible impacts to the 2020 competition schedule, Disney on Ice Pre-Show, camps & workshops.
We must highlight that we respect that the SAISF¸ coaches and the wider skating community are facing some unprecedented challenges over the coming months. We encourage everyone to support and care for each other during what is a difficult time. In regards to continuing any on or off ice training, please stay in contact with your coach.
We will continue to follow Federal and State authority advice regarding this pandemic to keep our community safe. When more information comes to light in regards to your 20/21 skating season we will of course be in contact with you all.
Kind regards,
Chelsea Skene
SAISA Vice President, on behalf of the SAISA Board
Letter from Federal Sports Minister Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck on 19 March 2020 re COVID-19 and Community Sports Guidelines. here
More news Updated:19 March 2020
Test Sessions: In view of current health concerns SAISA has made the decision to cancel the March test session. We will continue to monitor and review the situation and will advise in due course if the April test session will go ahead
SAISA Competitions: SAISA will keep members updated closer to the event in accordance to Federal and State guidelines
Interstate and International competitions: ISA has released Communication 111 which provides guidance and the position of ISA for parents, coaches, athletes and officials, who may be travelling to, entered into or considering entering or officiating at competitions or events within Australia or overseas
Cancelled or postponed:
FSAT (Figure Skating Associaion of Tasmania) Dark Skate Competition (Jun 2020) postponed until 2021
ISU World Figure Skating Championships (Montreal, Mar 16). Cancelled
ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships (Lace Placid 3 April). Cancelled
Oceania International Novice Figure Skating Competition (New Zealand, 6 May). Postponed
Further ISU event info here
Other enquiries re classes/ lessons/ sessions/ contact the IceArenA or your coach