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Robi Chalmers
Richard Laidlaw
Bernadette Mercurio
Deb Barrett
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About Coaches

SAISA does not hire coaches for you.  Coaches at skate schools are employed by the skate school or rink. Coaches accredited at Level 1 and higher can take private lessons and usually work as independent businesses. Several SAISA members are coaches with Level 1 or higher accreditation.  You may like to contact them directly for lessons. Their profiles and contact details presented here (click on the photos above or the page tabs).

Selecting a coach
Rinks or clubs will engage coaches for Aussie Skate learn-to-skate program. The skating lessons will be provided in a skate school setting and most lessons will be group classes. The coaches will be accredited at Level 0 or higher and you may receive coaching from many different coaches in the beginner classes. The rink or club will have a skate school director to oversee the learn-to-skate program.

Private lessons may be available within the skate school system or in figure skating practice sessions from coaches accredited at Level 1 or higher.

Characteristics of a good coach
The Australian Sports Commission lists the characteristics of a good coach as including:

  • strong and effective communication
  • encouraging, good motivator
  • strong teaching ability
  • confident and relaxed style
  • take a personal interest and show a duty of care to the welfare of their athletes
  • stress a balance between life and sport
  • a detailed knowledge of the sport
  • are aware and considerate of the impact of biological and psychological maturation on skill development and performance. There is a suitable fit of the program to the child’s maturity
  • a good coach understands that optimal development is individualised, considerate of psychological and sport-specific skills as well as physical attributes, and takes time, diligence and patience
  • they provide support and opportunity to ‘late-maturing’ and ‘early-maturing’ athletes through a focus on sport-specific and psychological skill development rather than pure physicality  

As a parent
As a parent you can assist your child’s coach by supporting their approach and philosophy and showing them respect. If you have any concerns regarding your child, other than an immediate safety concern, approach them when they are not coaching or instructing.

Coach Accreditation
SAISA supports coach accreditation and recognises the Australian Professional Skaters Association (APSA) as the official training, accreditation, education and insurance program for coaches of figure skating in Australia. The overall aim of accreditation is to ensure that the environment in all ISA skating programs is as safe as possible for all participants.

APSA offers a variety of educational programs and progressive accreditation levels to recognise coaching accomplishments. Its accreditation programs, which are submitted jointly with Ice Skating Australia to the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) for approval, are part of the ASC’s National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS).

APSA’s accreditation training programs
The training programs accepted by the ASC must identify the needs of skaters at different levels and in different environments and address the coach’s skill set to match these needs.  Accreditation also requires coaches to know the rules of the sport at progressive levels as well as be aware of compliance issues such as memberships, Member Protection, police screening, and insurance and accreditation maintenance.

Accreditation levels 
To undetake accreditation coaches must be members of ISA through their State Assocation.
 There are four progressive levels of education equipping and enabling coaches to grow in their skill and knowledge of coaching:

  • Level 0 equipping coaches to the Aussie Skate level (in group classes)
  • Level 1 equipping coaches to the Novice A (formerly named Pre-Primary) level. (This is the minimum level to take private lessons and to put skaters on the ice at competitions)
  • Level 2 equipping coaches to the Advanced Novice level (discipline specific eg: A coach could be accredited to this level for Singles but not Synchronized skating)
  • Level 3 equipping coaches to the Senior level (discipline specific)

Accreditation and insurance maintenance
APSA accredited coaches are required to obtain update points each year to maintain their accreditation with the ASC and to maintain eligibility for insurance. Throughout the year APSA hold seminars, workshops and meetings and all coaches are encouraged to attend. These activities bring the coaching community together, foster coach education and support.

APSA website

APSA representative in SA
South Australian coaches are member of the South Australian Chapter of APSA.
Contact SAPSA (South Australian Professional Skating Association):
Stephanie Huot (Secretary): [email protected]



Page updated: 12/4/2016