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About Judging

The judging panel are all Volunteers
SAISA has a team of volunteers who act as officials in a variety of positions.

Some are former or active skaters, some are parents of former or active skaters and some are coaches.
They all they donate their time and expertise for the development of skaters and skating.
Some of the roles can take up a lot of time in training and officiating but there are rewards as well such as enabling skaters to take part in the sport and mixing with other entusiastic officials.
The judging panel is supported by volunteers
Volunteers help by bring the judges hot drinks and snacks, organising and delivering the results papers, helping set up or pack up the computers,or gophering.
SAISA and the affiliated clubs can always do with more volunteers to help at competitions.
If you feel you can help out by supporting the judging panel during a competition please email SAISA : [email protected]
If you think you might like to train to be a panel member please fill out the application form 
Application for Judging Panel Training (type-in) 
Here are the ISA flow charts showing how judges, technical specialists and data entry volunteers train and move up the levels.

Current SAISA Judges

Current SAISA Technical Panel
