Increasing skater numbers and sharing your enthhusiasm for figure skating sports is very important but there are a few things to be aware of. There is a difference between Recruitment (which is OK) and Solicitation (which is not OK).

Solicitation means:
- Targeting (approaching) a skater or group of skaters already training with another coach or team and suggesting they change to a different coach or team.
- It is still solicitation if recruiting material is sent directly to a skater or parent already part of another team or with another coach.
- A coach, or third party such as a skater, parent, or team manager could be the person doing the solicitation.
- Operating behind the scenes to recruit skaters.
Solicitation isn’t OK and is against a coaches’ Code of Ethics.
What about Tampering?
Tampering is more subtle.
It could invlove a coach making comments or actions to another skater or parent which puts doubt in their minds about their current choices; it could also be an action which builds a relationship with the family that may lead to a change of coach or team.
Tampering can still be perceived as Solicitation.
Recruitment means:
- Advertising for skaters to take lessons from you or join a team.
- Answering questions when a skater or parent approaches you about your lessons or your team, but ONLY if you have not approached them at any time.
- Approaching a skater who has been retired or is not taking any private lessons and is not on any another team (regardless of the level).
- The coach of another skater or their team manager has contacted you and invited you to contact the skater or parent: i.e. the move to you or your team has already been discussed and recommended by the original coach with the skater's agreement.
- Leaving recruiting brochures, or displaying recruiting banners or posters at an ice rink but ONLY once the material and content has been passed by the Board of Directors or delegated rink management personnel.
What about Promotion?
Promotion is done publicly.
It can be Recruitment or Publicity on e.g. a website.
The key factor is: it must be open and presented to a general audience.
What do you do when you notice Solicitation?
Stopping soliciations from occurring is essential to creating a comfortable and friendly environment at the rink.
If you witness any form of solicitation you should:
- Notify your rink manger, skate school director, club or association, or the APSA-SA rink representative
- Document what you have seen and/or heard; include dates, times, method of solicitation, names of parties involved and what occurred
- Reports can be anonymous
Do you want an extended discription of these topics?
- The APSA-NSW (SA is under the NSW APSA umbrella) guidelines on Soliciation have been assembled for you here
- The APSA (NSW Professional Skaters Association) website for their Codes of Ethics/Professional Coaching Guidelines which covers Changing Coaches, Solicitation and Recruitment here.
- The Codes for Coaches are also on the SAISA website ‘Policies’ page.
page updated 5 April 2017