Many skaters have the opportunity to compete at international events, some being interclub events and others being high level events that are only open to skaters who have undergone a lengthy qualification process such as for Grand Prix, World Championships and Winter Olympic Games. All skaters get enormous benefit from exposure to international events and sometimes it is their one opportunity for oversees travel.
Team Australia (Allegra from SA) Junior World Challenge Cup, Zagreb 2002
It is worth therefore to make sure you follow correct procedures when planning to compete overseas.

Any attendance at an international event needs the permission of the national body for the sport, Ice Skating Australia (ISA). Skaters and Officials will either be selected by ISA or will need to inform both ISA and SAISA of their wish to take part in an event. In most cases the entry needs to be submitted by ISA after approval by SAISA. This includes entries to competitions for singles skaters, synchronized teams and adult skaters. Please also see the SAISA Policy 'Permits & Permissions' for further details on permission and eligibility concerns.
Zagreb 2002
Adelaide Ice Magic, Bronze memdalists, Mozart Cup, Salzburg 2014